
Shipping And Delivery

Our Shipping And Delivery timelines vary depending on what you have ordered.
All clothing products take 2 to 7 working days (Shipping And Delivery timelines vary from product to product and are mentioned under every product in the description section as well). 
All International orders will also take 2-14 working days to be shipped but if an order has multiple products and timeline varies then the entire shipment will be shipped together. 
Working Days are Monday - Friday so the Shipping And Delivery timeline does not include the weekend.
Once the order is dispatched from our warehouse, tracking details will be emailed to you on your registered email.
Do you offer Refund/Exchange Request?
Yes, we do offer Refund/Exchange Request for eligible items’ returns within India. We do not extend this service out of India.
Sometimes, for some addresses, reverse pickup facility may not be available. In case your pincode is not serviceable for reverse pick up, you will have to courier the product.(Pickup receipt will required for refund) .
For any reasons that are Damaged product received or product is missing or If you have received an SMS or EMAIL of order delivered status and if it's not received by you, please email or contact us within 24 hours.
Where are my tracking details?
As soon as the order is shipped from our warehouse, you will receive an email/sms with tracking details. Please do check your junk/spam emails too as sometimes the email gets labelled as such. 
What are your shipping charges?
For Domestic Shipping
We offer free shipping for orders above Rs.500. For orders below Rs.500, a flat shipping fee is Rs.30 rupee for COD orders and Free for Prepaid orders.
For international shipping
We provide free international shipping for orders above Rs.9999
For orders below Rs.9999, a flat shipping fee of Rs.2500 is charged
Customs and import duty, if any, will have to be borne by the customer at the time of delivery, if applicable.
What Shipping And Delivery services do you use for International shipping?
We have an aggregator that allocates the best possible option for the location the product is getting shipped to. Some of the services used are Shiprocket, DTDC, DHL, Aramex, FedEX & UPS.
Is there plastic in your packaging?
Yes, the outermost layer is plastic. We are working on finding a better alternative.